It's always an exciting day for me when I get access to the source code for an entirely new application I need to work on. How does it look inside, how does it work? Sometimes, there's some design documentation along with it, or operational procedures, or maybe some developer handbook in a wiki. I do check all of those, but I don't expect any of those things to accurately describe how the code works, because they tend to change less frequently. It's also fairly low-bandwidth, it takes a ton of time to ingest technical text.
But there are tons of tricks we can use to quickly get to
grips with source code, without having to read it from top to
bottom. I find that one useful exercise is to figure out how the
application uses its database. When that database is postgres, there's
a whole lot of cool things I can check with very little effort,
assuming I can manage to start the application locally. One of my
favorites tricks is to use the \watch
command in psql
, while
clicking around in the webapp. This helps me establish the visuals
with important tables and domain objects in the code. I find that this
is often more useful than looking at frontend or backend code in
isolation, because it gives me insight that goes through the entire
application vertically.
This is a low-effort high-reward kind of trick, it doesn't always yield valuable insights, but it takes very little time to try it out and sometimes, it helps you find important relationships between visuals and data models, technical debt or operational disasters waiting to happen. I usually start out by setting up a local environment to run the application, and make sure that the database has the pgstatstatements extension enabled. This may require you to run this snippet:
create extension pg_stat_statements;
Then I will open a terminal window, move it to a dedicated screen and enter a query a little bit like this:
substring( -- truncate queries so they don't fill the entire screen
-- replace indentation and newlines by a single space
regexp_replace(query, '\n| +', ' ', 'g'),
0, 120) as query, -- which part of the query to show,
from pg_stat_statements order by calls desc limit 30;
This selects the 120 first characters of the 30 most commonly executed
queries, together with the amount of calls and how much database
execution time they have accumulated. Then, in psql
, I can run
\watch 1
to have this query run once per second. Clicking around in
a webapp while having this running is great for:
- Finding pages with a surprising amount of complexity.
- Discovering instances of the N+1 problem, where the code selects a list of IDs, then runs one select for each ID it found, instead of fetching everything with a single join.
- Usually you find out what data is needed for authentication and authorization, if the webapp does that itself.
- If there are batch jobs or async workflows using the database as a queue, you'll see those as well.
Sometimes when I do this, I discover that some pages run an absurd amount of queries (typically the N+1 problem or pages that need a huge amount of information). In between just looking around and getting my bearings, I will frequently reset the statistics using:
select pg_stat_statements_reset();
This is useful to do for several reasons:
- Sometimes, the application will run a lot of queries on the first page load, then cache that information in memory for subsequent requests, potentially refreshing it in a batch job.
- Frequently, the amount of information just becomes too great after visiting a few pages and clicking a few buttons, and a clean slate is necessary to get your bearings.
There are other views that are very useful to observe in a similar
fashion, in particular pg_stat_user_tables
, where it's interesting
to observe both the amount of reading (seq_scan
, seq_tup_fetch
, idx_tup_fetch
) as well as the amount of writing (the
columns). This can functionally act as a kind of heat map,
telling you which tables that are the most important across the